MeryAnne Loum-Martin Is The Only Black Woman to Own and Operate A Hotel In Morocco, and She’s A Bonafide Boss | Essence

Enuma Okoro, Essence

MeryAnne Loum-Martin Is The Only Black Woman to Own and Operate A Hotel In Morocco, and She’s A Bonafide Boss

It can be an interesting and beautiful thing in life that we rarely end up where we imagined. And often it is the challenges along the way that propel us to discover the unique things about ourselves that up until that point we might have envisioned as setbacks or disadvantages. Those very things might be the key to our callings or our greatest joys.

For lawyer turned boutique hotelier MeryAnne Loum-Martin it was the challenge of taking the French bar exam five years after law school, of all things, that helped her to discover that her uniqueness mattered. With only two months to study years of material while competing against young students fresh from the right preparatory classes, MeryAnne knew she needed a special approach. It was then that she had a light bulb moment about the value in her unique roots. The multi-ethnic and traditional diversity of her background held strength and riches the world deserved to recognize and appreciate.

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